CFP: Philosophy of Luce Irigaray (1/9/06; 9/22/06)

full name / name of organization: 
Sabrina Hom
contact email: 

CALL FOR PROPOSALS: the Philosophy of Luce Irigaray
Stony Brook University, Manhattan Campus
September 22-23, 2006

The Irigaray Circle at Stony Brook University, sponsored by the
Department of Philosophy and the Program in Women's Studies, is planning
a conference for September, 2006. We invite proposals that engage with
any aspect of Irigaray's work in philosophy and feminist theory, such as
• The history of philosophy
• Psychoanalysis
• Medicine, health, and the body
• Language and literature
• Aesthetics and architecture
• Ethics
• Political theory
• Epistemology
The deadline for proposal submissions is January 9, 2006. Completed
proposals should include your name, professional affiliation, contact
information, a brief (one paragraph) bio, and an abstract of 350-700
words. The organizers welcome collaborative proposals for panel
sessions, as well as individual submissions. Proposals should be
submitted electronically in .rtf format. Please send proposals for
review to Please note that the conference
organizers are planning an edited volume based on the conference and
request the right of first review on all conference papers. For further
information please contact one of the conference chairs:
Mary C. Rawlinson (
Sabrina Hom (
Serene Khader (

Conference Website:

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Wed Nov 16 2005 - 10:27:25 EST
