CFP: Breaking It Down: Dance Under Construction (1/15/06; 4/7/06-4/8/06)

full name / name of organization: 
Dance Under Construction .

Call For Papers and Performances
Dance Under Construction VIII
UC Riverside April 7-8, 2006
Hosted by Department of Dance, UCR

Dance Under Construction is an interdisciplinary forum
for presenting graduate student work on dance, the
body and performance. It originated as an initiative
of the graduate students of UCLA Department of World
Arts and Cultures and has been hosted by various UC
campuses. This year Dance Under Constructions returns
to UC Riverside.

The eighth annual Dance Under Construction conference
is currently seeking proposals that address the theme:
Breaking it Down. Inspired by the significance of the
'break' in black music and dance practices, we are
interested in exploring the break in relation to a
larger body of theory, disciplines and practices.
What is introduced by the break? When does the break
occur? What does the break do? With its varied,
multifaceted and complex uses and functions, the break
can generate far-reaching trajectories applicable to
academic inquiry and pursuits. The conference seeks
to bring together graduate students from different
disciplines and practices to consider the multiple
possibilities of Breaking It Down. Potential topics
include, but are not limited to the following:
        Breaking Down
- theory
- binaries
- constructions of identity (racial, gender, sexual,
- down borders (local, global)
- movement and choreography
- practices and techniques
- vernacular forms
- the body
- body breaking down
- mind breaking down (madness, hysteria)
We invite broad and innovative interpretations of the
conference theme through papers, projects and
performances. Work that utilizes and/or analyzes
various mediums such as dance, film, text, cultural
production and other performance genres are
encouraged. Proposals for panels, working groups and
roundtable discussions are also welcome. It is a
particular aim of Breaking It Down to challenge
divisions between theoretical and practical modes of
research and presentation.

Applicants should submit an abstract (300-500 words)
of your paper, performance, or project. If you would
like to perform, please send in a video with 3-5 min.
of your work/work in progress. Please include your
full name, contact information, institutional
affiliation, and indicate all technological and space
requirements. Specify in your application whether a
performance space or classroom setting would best suit
your work, and please plan not to exceed a time limit
of 20 minutes. Be prepared to talk about your work and
to engage with the work of others.

Please direct your proposals or inquiries to by January 15,
2006. If you have a video, please be sure it is
postmarked by Jan. 15, 2006, addressed to:
Dance Under Construction
University of California Riverside
Department of Dance
900 University
Riverside, CA 92521

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         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Mon Nov 21 2005 - 16:33:24 EST