CFP: Empathy, Ethics, Eloquence, and Teaching English (5/31/06; MCEA, 10/20/06)
Call for Papers: MCEA 2006
Empathy, Ethics, Eloquence, and Teaching English
Precedence: bulk
Michigan State University, the Union, East Lansing MI
Friday, October 20, 2006
Our classrooms have students from different cultural and ethnic backgrounds.
How can we teach students to care about and empathize with one another and
with people outside the classroom and in other countries? How can we
teachers help students to think critically and ethically so that they can question
and write about their assumptions about the universality of their own values
and ideas? How do works of fiction, poetry, film, and memoir discuss values
and build empathy? What are the connections between empathy, ethics and
eloquence? What cultural conflicts and ethical issues should we discuss in
college classrooms? How political should our classrooms be? Which topics work
well for term papers and other assignments? What problems of empathy and
ethics do we face within the classroom and the department and also between the
English department and other college departments? How does the collaborative
classroom handle these issues? What choices do we face with new technology
and on-line classes? How concerned with global issues should our classrooms
be? How can we help students to write and speak more eloquently?
The Michigan College English Association seeks proposals for individual
papers and for complete or open panels for our Fall 2006 meeting. We look
forward to receiving proposals on diverse topics from experienced academics as well
as from young scholars and graduate students. We like a variety of papers,
including pedagogical and scholarly essays. We also welcome poetry, drama,
fiction, and nonfiction from creative writers. We will award prizes of $25
for the best scholarly and creative writing by graduate students. Prize-winning
works will be published in the MCEA Journal.
Although we are calling for papers and panels that reflect the conference
theme, we welcome a variety of proposals in any of the areas English and
Writing departments encompass: e.g., composition and rhetoric; computers and
writing; creative writing; critical pedagogy; critical studies in the teaching of
English; cultural studies; film studies; film and composition; film and
literature; developmental education; English as a second language; linguistics;
literary studies; multicultural literature; on-line English courses and the
virtual university; popular culture; race, class, and gender studies; progressive
education; reading and writing across the curriculum; student demographics;
student/instructor accountability and assessment; student placement; study
skills; technical writing.
Proposals are due by May 31 2006. Papers will be accepted on a space only
basis after that. Early submissions are welcome. Please submit proposals to
Janet Heller, MCEA Program Chair, via email or snail mail:
_janet.heller_at_wmich.edu_ ( or Janet Heller,
MCEA Program Chair; Department of English; Western Michigan University,
Kalamazoo MI 49008.
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Mon Nov 21 2005 - 16:36:10 EST