CFP: Religion and literature - Divine/Human Encounters (11/25/05; ACLA, 3/23/06-3/26/06)

full name / name of organization: 
Jay Twomey
contact email: 

**Writing the Divine: Literary Meetings of Humans and Gods

ACLA (American Comparative Literature Association), March 23-26, 2006,
at Princeton
Seminar Organizer(s): W. David Hall, Centre College; Jay Twomey,
University of Cincinnati

A common literary and dramatic theme in many cultures from many
different time periods is the confrontation between humans and divine
beings. These confrontations take many different forms, from imparting
wisdom to imposing judgments, from playing pranks to threatening death.
This seminar seeks papers that address literary and dramatic accounts of
the meetings between humans and divine beings. (While papers addressing
specifically religious narratives and texts, e.g., the Bible, the
Qu'ran, are welcome, they should address these narratives and texts as
literary productions rather than sacred scriptures.) We are looking for
a slate of papers that examines a range of cultural backgrounds, time
periods, and media. Topics of interest include, but are by no means
limited to, the following: the status of knowledge/information gained in
the divine human encounter; patterns or variations within and across
different cultures; gods as dramatic personae; the fictional as
revelatory and the revelatory as fictional; film/drama as religious

Please send a 250-word abstract to David Hall ( and/or
Jay Twomey ( by November 25, 2005.

The 2006 ACLA meeting will be held at Princeton University, March 23-26.
Participants in the seminar will have to join the ACLA in advance of the
conference. For more information about the ACLA and the 2006 meeting,
please visit:

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Received on Mon Nov 21 2005 - 16:33:38 EST