CFP: Wild Irish Girls (UK) (2/13/06; 7/20/06-7/21/06)

full name / name of organization: 
Sandy White
contact email: 

Call for Papers


'Wild Irish Girls': A bicentenary conference to mark the publication of =
Sydney Owenson's (Lady Morgan) The Wild Irish Girl and Maria Edgeworth's =


Keynote speakers: James Chandler (University of Chicago) and Claire =
Connolly (Cardiff University)


To commemorate the publication of these texts in 1806, proposals are =
invited for papers for a conference to be held on the 20th and 21st of =
July 2006. The event will be take place at Chawton House Library, the =
centre for the study of early women's writing, which holds first =
editions of both novels, as well as many other editions of works by =
Edgeworth and Owenson. It is jointly organised by Chawton House Library =
and the English Department at the University of Southampton.=20


In light of increasing interest in both these writers' works, and in the =
rise of the national novel more generally, this timely conference seeks =
to unite scholars working on any aspect of Edgeworth or Owenson's =
writing. Paper and panel proposals (for presentations of no more than 20 =
minutes) are therefore invited and should be sent for the attention of =
Emma Clery, Gillian Dow and Sandy White at the following email address - = or by post to Sandy White: English Discipline, School =
of Humanities, University of Southampton, Highfield, Southampton, SO17 =
1BJ, UK.=20


Please note deadline for abstracts: 13th of February 2006

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         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Mon Nov 21 2005 - 16:33:31 EST
