UPDATE: Geographies and Genders (11/30/05; Southern ACIS, 2/23/06-2/25/06)

full name / name of organization: 
Marti Lee
contact email: 

 ********** UPDATE **********

DEADLINE EXTENDED: Deadline for CFP extended to November 30, 2005

Updated Schedule for Plenary Speakers:

Eavan Boland (Thursday February 23, 2006 5:30 p.m.)

Margot Backus (Friday February 24, 2006 4:30 p.m.)

Vona Groarke (TBA)

Conor O'Callaghan (TBA)



American Conference for Irish Studies

2006 Southern Regional Conference

University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC

February 23-26, 2006


The University of South Carolina will host the 2006 Southern Regional =
Conference of the American Conference for Irish Studies in Columbia, SC, =
February 23-26, 2006. Some sessions will be held in conjunction with =
the USC Women's Studies conference on "Transnational Feminisms."


The organizers welcome proposals by November 15, 2005 for papers and =
panels that explore any dimension of Irish Studies (multi-genre, =
multi-disciplinary, and multi-media presentations encouraged), but =
particularly on topics addressing the conference theme "Geographies and =
Genders." How does geography inform our perceptions of Irish identity =
in politics, literature, and popular culture? How does gender inform =
our perceptions of Irish identity in politics, literature, and popular =
culture? How do geography and gender intersect in Irish culture and =


Possible topics may include:

  a.. geographical and/or gendered representations of identity and =
  b.. borders, separation, border crossings: north/south, rural/urban, =
Protestant/Catholic, public private, modernity/post-modernity, =
  c.. maps, cartography, topography, borders, surveys, passports, rites =
of passage=20
  d.. portrayals of gender in popular culture, media, and/or literature; =
Ireland as mother or lover, land as female; Acts of Union and acts of =
union, marriage, divorce; partition and parturition, reproduction, laws =
governing sexual expression or reproduction=20
  e.. geographies of gender and sexual identity, gender and space; hedge =
schools, laundries, camps, train stations, cottages, confessionals, =
bogs, wells, noises from the woodshed=20
  f.. geographies of cultural and identity, diasporas, immigration, =
emigration, Gaeltachts; landscapes of famine, memorials, graveyards, =
memory and social space
 Additional details can be found on the conference website: =


Please send queries and abstracts (no more than 250 words) including =
name, title, institutional affiliation, and any AV needs by email to:=20

emadden_at_sc.edu or=20


Hard copies may be mailed to:=20

Ed Madden=20

Department of English

University of South Carolina

Columbia SC 29208

(803) 777-2171=20

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham: higginbj_at_english.upenn.edu
Received on Mon Nov 21 2005 - 16:35:40 EST
