CFP: Abolitionist Places (1/3/06; ASA, 10/12/06-10/15/06)
Abolitionist Places
I'm inviting papers for a panel "Abolitionist Places" to be proposed
for the American Studies Association 2006 meeting in Oakland, CA,
October 12-15, 2006.
Traditional literary and historical approaches to US abolitionism
have emphasized its teleologically national character as a movement
devoted to the fulfillment of the promise of American revolutionary
thought. More recent work has shifted attention toward abolition's
broader transnational context in the Atlantic world. This panel seeks
proposals for papers working at the intersection of notions of local
particularity and unbounded circulation. How did particular places,
especially particular extra-national places, gain significance for
abolitionist activists and artists? How were the revolutionary
histories of particular sites represented in abolitionist discourse?
Were particular places invoked for unexpectedly reformist,
revolutionary, or quietist purposes? Did the tendency of
abolitionists to congregate in Europe for the purpose of discussing
Africa and the Caribbean yield unintended or unexpected consequences?
Possible "abolitionist places" may include Haiti, Guiana, Canada,
Cuba, Jamaica, Liberia, Sierra Leone, France, England, Ireland,
Hungary and Italy. Send one-page abstracts and CVs by 1/3/06 to
Martha Schoolman at, or Department of English,
Miami University, 356 Bachelor Hall, Oxford, OH 45056.
--Martha SchoolmanAssistant ProfessorDepartment of EnglishMiami University356 Bachelor HallOxford, OH 45056-3414phone: (513) 529-5945fax: (513) 529-1392 ========================================================== From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List Full Information at or write Jennifer Higginbotham: ==========================================================Received on Sun Nov 27 2005 - 16:44:20 EST