CFP: Art and Politics in 19th c Britain and America (grad) (1/15/06; 4/14/06)
Art and Politics in Nineteenth-Century Britain and America:
a Transatlantic Exchange
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
14. April. 2006
Deadline for Proposals: January 15th, 2006
The Nineteenth Century Forum (NCF), an interdisciplinary group comprised of
faculty and graduate students at the University of Michigan, invites proposals
for panels and individual papers for its graduate student conference "Art and
Politics in Nineteenth-Century Britain and America: a Transatlantic Exchange."
The convergence of art and politics during the nineteenth century unites two of
the most important spheres of thought in both the Americas and the United
Kingdom. These spheres clearly never remained wholly separate but were
profoundly affected by each other and raise some important issues for us today.
How did nineteenth-century figures negotiate between the individual and the
collective in and through art? Why did certain artists in the
nineteenth-century turn to politics? How did their political interests impact
their art? And how do we re-present nineteenth-century political art to our
own modern communities?
Some of the same questions that we face as teachers and scholars of the 21st
century were also articulated in the 19th century, as modern university
education was coming into it own. How do nineteenth-century practices and
politics inform our academic work and how might that translate into our own
engagement in or with politics—on and off the page, inside and outside the
Taking these questions as our central focus, this one-day conference seeks
graduate student contributions that engage such questions and their relevance
to nineteenth-century texts.
Possible points of entry include:
* Political Art or Art as Politics: How do c19 artists use their art as a
medium for political expression?
* The Politics of the Personal: How do c19 figures negotiate between the
individual and the collective through art?
* Imagining Political Pasts and Futures: How do c19 figures position themselves
temporally and spatially?
* Art and Empire: How is art used in the service of nationalistic or
imperialistic ventures?
* Politicizing Place: How does the representation of c19 places or landscapes
contribute to attitudes about land use, agriculture, outdoor leisure, or
environmental justice?
The conference will conclude with a roundtable on art and politics as they
relate to our pedagogies and to our academic communities.
We encourage both pre-formed panels and individual contributions from graduate
students in all disciplines. Papers with inter- or multidisciplinary
approaches are especially appreciated. Please submit 250-word abstracts, along
with your institutional affiliation and contact information, to by 15. January. 2006. Selected papers should be no
more than 20 minutes in length.
* * *
The Nineteenth Century Forum (NCF) is comprised of faculty and graduate students
from English, History, Comparative Literature, American Culture, Women's
Studies, and related departments at the University of Michigan. We are
interested in examining the "long nineteenth century," from the beginnings of
Romanticism to the early twentieth century. Please visit our website at for more information.
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sun Nov 27 2005 - 16:44:03 EST