CFP: Court Culture 1642-1660 (UK) (2/28/06; 6/29/06-6/30/06)
The University of Manchester invites papers for
Court Culture 1642-1660
Hampton Court Palace and Kingston University, London, 29-30 June 2006
Keynote speakers:
Karen Britland, Ann Hughes, Julie Sanders, Nigel Smith
In the summer of 1642 Charles I and his governing entourage left Whitehall.
This conference investigates what happened next to one of the most important
institutions of his reign, the court. How did court life change? What did
the movement of the courts mean for government? Indeed, how useful is the
term 'court' after 1642?
Papers might investigate the following concepts: courts in exile; Henrietta
Maria's continental journeys in the 1640s; parliamentary courts;
aristocratic courts; encounters with and attendance at continental courts;
diplomacy; government; patronage; cultural court life; popular, elite and
newsbook representation of courts; court and country debates; the courtier;
provincial courts; the evolution and development of court forms (the masque,
court sermons); Cromwell's use of court spaces and practices; espionage;
mobile courts; codes; court organisation; wartime courts; the city of
Oxford; visual arts and court portraiture; Whitehall and Hampton Court;
courtly space; gender dynamics; European influence on court cultural and
institutional practices; courts in Scotland, Wales and Ireland; changes to
the privy council; the council of war; closet drama; key political
individuals; chronicles and memoirs of court life; religious life at court;
court drama. The conference will focus on those courts associated in some
way with England, although it will have wide geographical scope.
We are particularly interested in papers that present new archival material
(both from the UK and Europe).
Papers from postgraduates are welcomed and there will be bursaries available
to part fund attendance.
Organised by the University of Manchester in association with the University
of Sheffield.
Please send individual paper abstracts of 300-400 words or panel proposals
of 700 words to Dr Jerome de Groot, English and American Studies, University
of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL, or to Peter Sillitoe, Department of English
Literature, University of Sheffield, Sir William Empson House, Shearwood
Road, Sheffield S10 2TD,, by 28 February 2006. The
conference will be at Kingston University on the 29th June and Hampton Court
Palace on the 30th June.
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sun Nov 27 2005 - 16:44:03 EST