CFP: (In)visibilities: Homosexualities in the Media (12/15/05; 2/24/06-2/26/06)

full name / name of organization: 
st jack
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(Re)Markable Identities: Confronting, Corrupting, and Conflating Cultural
February 24-26, 2006
Arizona State University ● Tempe, Arizona


(In)visibilities: Homosexualities in the media

The visibility, and conversely invisibilities, of homosexuality become more
prominent in mainstream media daily. The proliferation of homosexual
characters on television, in film and in other media outlets has raised new
questions about representations of homosexuality and how they are packaged
for mainstream audiences. In keeping with the theme of the conference:
(Re)Markable Identities: Confronting, Corrupting, and Conflating Cultural
Discourses, the goal of this panel is to explore how visual, invisible and
implied representations of homosexuality in the media seek to subvert,
re-appropriate, negate and sometimes reinforce dominant discourses
concerning homosexuality.

The following list of potential themes is not meant to be exhaustive, but

• Analysis of specific films/programs
• Queer narratives e.g. 'Coming out'
• Transgender, transsexual and transvestite voices and images
• Representation of Aids / people with Aids
• Cross-dressing
• Heterosexual and queer passing
• Queer voices and images across ethnic, racial, cultural and class
• Critical reception, censorship

Abstracts on other relevant topics will also be considered.

Paper Abstracts should be no more than 350 words and submitted by December
15, 2005
Please include home and office numbers, complete mailing address, e-mail
address, professional affiliation, and AV requirements with your submission.

Please send abstracts to:
Stacey Jackson

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         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sun Nov 27 2005 - 16:45:02 EST