CFP: Religion and Literature - Divine/Human Encounters (11/25/05; ACLA, 3/23/06-3/26/06)

full name / name of organization: 
Twomey, Jay \(twomeyj\)
contact email: 

Writing the Divine: Literary Meetings of Humans and Gods

ACLA (American Comparative Literature Association), March 23-26, 2006, =
at Princeton
Seminar Organizer(s): W. David Hall, Centre College; Jay Twomey, =
University of Cincinnati

A common literary and dramatic theme in many cultures from many =
different time periods is the confrontation between humans and divine =
beings. These confrontations take many different forms, from imparting =
wisdom to imposing judgments, from playing pranks to threatening death. =
This seminar seeks papers that address literary and dramatic accounts of =
the meetings between humans and divine beings. (While papers addressing =
specifically religious narratives and texts, e.g., the Bible, the =
Qu=92ran, are welcome, they should address these narratives and texts as =
literary productions rather than sacred scriptures.) We are looking for =
a slate of papers that examines a range of cultural backgrounds, time =
periods, and media. Topics of interest include, but are by no means =
limited to, the following: the status of knowledge/information gained in =
the divine human encounter; patterns or variations within and across =
different cultures; gods as dramatic personae; the fictional as =
revelatory and the revelatory as fictional; film/drama as religious =

Please send a 250-word abstract to David Hall ( and/or =
Jay Twomey ( by November 25, 2005.

The 2006 ACLA meeting will be held at Princeton University, March 23-26. =
Participants in the seminar will have to join the ACLA in advance of the =
conference. For more information about the ACLA and the 2006 meeting, =
please visit:

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Received on Sun Nov 27 2005 - 16:43:50 EST