CFP: Representing Medicine: Literary, Interdisciplinary, and Cross-Cultural Connections (11/30/05; ACLA, 3/23/06-3/26/06)

full name / name of organization: 
Carl Fisher
contact email: 

The 2006 ACLA conference will be held at Princeton
University, March 23-26, 2006.


Representing Medicine: Literary, Interdisciplinary, and
Cross-Cultural Connections

Panel Organizer:

Carl Fisher, California State University, Long Beach


Medicine and healthcare are central and universal human
experiences. Throughout the arts, medicine is represented
in ways that are both realistic and metaphorical: from
works on epidemics in classical antiquity to Renaissance
images of anatomy and healing to modern narratives about
illness and health to recent films that question the
ethical boundaries of the profession. The complex
relationship between medicine and human experience,
between patients and practitioners, between medical ideals
and practical realities, is explored throughout the arts
in ways that provide a reader/viewer both identification
and engagement but also some distance for judgment.

This panel will explore representations of medicine.
Papers can deal with single texts/authors or general
topics, such as how art represents doctor patient
relations, public health concerns, healthcare sites and
circumstances, crisis intervention, aging, alternative
treatments, and mental health issues. Representations
across cultures and historical periods, and with a focus
on historical and social contexts, are encouraged.

To submit a proposal, go to the ACLA website
( and follow the links for paper submission.
 For questions about the panel, contact Carl Fisher

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Received on Sun Nov 27 2005 - 16:44:08 EST