CFP: Texts, Translations, and Traditions (grad) (1/15/06; 4/27/06-4/29/06)
Second Annual Madison Graduate Student Conference in Language and Literature
"Texts, Translations, and Traditions"
April 27-29, 2006 at the University of Madison, Wisconsin
Madlit is pleased to announce its second annual graduate student conference which seeks to bring
together graduate students from across the country as a community to share work, ideas, and insights into
professionalization. This year's theme invites a wide range of papers from various literary periods that engage
with some aspect of texts, translations and traditions. Some possible topics include:
* transformation * movement
* adaptations * glossing
* conventionality * new traditions
* breaking tradition/rebellion * dialogue(s)
* editing * polyvocality
* textual politics * generic traditions
* editing * translation as metaphor
Historical, theoretical, formalist, rhetorical, and political/cultural methodologies are welcome, and papers
focusing on medieval, Renaissance, modern American, and composition/rhetoric are especially encouraged.
In accordance with our goal of professionalizing graduate students, we also encourage faculty proposals
for panels on any aspect of graduate student professionalization including how to prepare a dissertation,
publishing the dissertation, converting seminar papers into articles, lecturing, teaching and so on.
This year's featured speaker is Mary Ann O'Farrell (Texas A&M).
Proposals should be submitted electronically as an attachment and must include name(s) and address(es);
institutional affiliation; phone numbers; title of individual paper(s) or panel, and format; and a 250-word
abstract for an individual paper or for EACH presentation in a panel. Conference sessions are 90 minutes.
Conference Web site:
Deadline: January 15, 2006 (acceptance notices will follow 7-10 days later)
Send proposals to:
Questions? Contact Katie Lynch at the above e-mail address or call Madlit at (608) 263-3708.
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sun Nov 27 2005 - 16:44:24 EST