CFP: The Lie of the Land: Scottish Landscape and Culture (UK) (2/1/06; 7/27/06-7/30/06)

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The Lie of the Land: Scottish Landscape and Culture

Presented by
The Centre for Scottish Studies at the University of Stirling
27-30 July 2006

Plenary speakers include:

Neal Ascherson, author of Stone Voices: the Search for Scotland
Prof Lawrence Buell (Harvard), author of The Environmental Imagination
Prof Steve Duguid (Simon Fraser), on John Muir
Prof Murdo Macdonald (Dundee), on revisualising the Highlands in art
James Robertson (novelist and poet) on history and place

Papers are invited on the representation and interpretation of landscape
in Scottish cultural production, including literature, drama, music,
film, TV, print media, Scottish history, Scottish studies and the visual

The focus can be urban or rural, historical or contemporary, but the
central aim of this cross-disciplinary approach is to explore and
compare the creative tensions between representation and reality and how
the Scottish landscape has been perceived in creative, historical,
canonical, critical and theoretical terms. Topics might include, for

* Representations of Scottish landscape in literature or popular
* Travel writing and landscape.
* Comparative landscapes in writing about Scotland and abroad.
* Representations of the land, weather, the animal kingdom etc
from medieval to modern times.
* Representations of industry and/or representations of the rural.

* Urban landscapes in Scottish history and literature
* The rise of landscape painting.
* Landscape and photography; landscape and documentary film.
* How historians have mapped / interpreted the geographical,
cultural and economic features of the country.
* Environmental and eco-critical reflections.

Papers should not be longer than 25 minutes. While formal papers will
prevail, proposals for other means of exploring these issues will be

Further details will be announced on the conference website at

Inquires are welcome at any time. Please post, email or fax a one-page
description of your proposed paper along with a brief CV before 1st
February 2006

Send to:

Professor Roderick Watson,

Dr Suzanne Gilbert,

Department of English Studies, University of Stirling, Stirling, FK9
4LA, Scotland

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