CFP: The Stories Photographs Tell (4/1/06; collection)

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Jeanne Perreault
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CFP: The Stories Photographs Tell

Editors: Jeanne Perreault, Linda Warley and Marlene Kadar


We are inviting essays for a volume that undertakes an interdisciplinary
investigation of the constructions and reconstructions of identity,
reality, and meaning through the use of photographs. 'Reading'
photographs means thinking about that triangular relationship between
'author' (the one who takes the image), 'subject' (the person/s or
things in the images) and 'reader' (the one who looks). Creative and
aesthetic issues intersect with the psychological, political and
historical as the viewer interprets the reality of the photograph into
the multiple realities of the scene photographed and the experience of
viewing. We are particularly interested in the ease of dislocation from
intention to use, from object to image, from historical moment to the
evolution of meaning. We welcome discussions of photographs linked with
text and auto/biographical uses of images.

Essays might consider the ambiguity of photographs taken at moments not
necessarily chosen by the subject and the issues involved when
photographs that were originally intended to serve one purpose are made
or allowed to serve another. The technological malleability of
photographs has a direct bearing on these problems as do photographic
self-portraiture and the performativity of photography.

The essays forming the cornerstones of the collection are Linda Warley's
analysis of Indian Residential School photographs and the subsequent use
Aboriginal autobiographers make of them; Marlene Kadar's re-reading of
photographs from Nazi Concentration Camp Albums and the use to which
historians have put these works of propaganda; and Jeanne Perreault's
examination of photojournalists' "starving baby" images and recent
critiques of the aid industry.

Proposals are requested by 04/01/2006 and completed essays by 08/01/2006.

Please send 500 word proposal as an attachment to <>

Prof. Jeanne Perreault
Dept. Of English
2500 University Drive, NW
University of Calgary,
Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2N 1N4

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Received on Sun Nov 27 2005 - 16:43:29 EST
