UPDATE: Globalization and Resistance (grad) (1/1/06; 3/3/06-3/5/06)

full name / name of organization: 
Sol Neely
contact email: 

Pleas note the UPDATE:
1. Abstracts for papers and panel proposals are now due January 1, 2006.
2. Conference website: http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~sjneely/globalization.htm

"Globalization & Resistance"
2nd Graduate Student Conference of the English & Philosophy Ph.D. Program
Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana
March 3-5, 2006

Speakers: Pheng Cheah (University of California, Berkeley) and Todd May
(Clemson University)


In order promote interdisciplinary dialogue about the effects that
globalization-and resistance to globalization-are having on our present
political and cultural situation, the graduate students of Purdue University's
English and Philosophy Program are hosting an interdisciplinary conference
oriented around these two themes. In response to the current state of
generalized terror and perpetual war, our understandings of both globalization
and resistance are inevitably taking on new forms. We therefore invite paper
submissions from graduate students and scholars throughout the humanities that
address these issues, and that take into account the following concerns and
questions animating social-political philosophy and theory:

* How do we understand the phenomena of, and relations between, globalization
and resistance?
* What implications might the one have for the other in discourses committed
to articulating viable theories of political praxis?
* Is globalization something to be resisted or a form of political resistance?
* Which among our political theories-neo-liberalist, Marxist, anarchist, and
so on-appear to be most viable in a globalized world?
* How do philosophical concepts-such as the bio-political, the juridical,
deterritorialization, hegemony, the state of exception, the multitude, etc.-
help us to articulate theories of resistance and responses to globalization?
* How has globalization impacted the discourses of race, gender, sexual
orientation, and class?
* How does one become a citizen in a globalized world?


Keynote Address: "Crises of Money and Terror," Pheng Cheah, University of
California, Berkeley

Pheng Cheah is Associate Professor in the Department of Rhetoric at the
University of California, Berkeley, holds a Ph.D in English Literature from
Cornell. His teaching and writing range across a wide spectrum of interests,
including 18th-20th century continental philosophy and critical theory,
postcolonial theory and Anglophone postcolonial literatures, theory of
globalization, philosophy and literature, legal philosophy, social and
political thought, feminist theory. He is the author of Spectral Nationality:
Passages of Freedom from Kant to Postcolonial Literatures of Liberation
(2003), as well as several edited collections, including Thinking Through the
Body of the Law (1996, with David Fraser and Judith Grbich), Cosmopolitics:
Thinking and Feeling Beyond the Nation (1998, with Bruce Collins), and Grounds
for Comparison: Around the Work of Benedict Anderson (2003, with Jonathan
Culler), and a special issue of Diacritics entitled "Irigaray and The
Political Future of Sexual Difference" (1998, with Elizabeth Grosz).

Plenary Speaker: "Why Anarchism Now?" Todd May, Clemson University

Todd May is Professor in the Department of Philosophy at Clemson University,
where he specializes in continental philosophy, and especially recent French
philosophy. He is the author of many books, including Gilles Deleuze: An
Introduction (2005), The Moral Theory of Poststructuralism (2004), Our
Practices, Our Selves, Or, What It Means to Be Human (2001), Reconsidering
Difference: Nancy, Derrida, Levinas, and Deleuze (1997), The Political
Philosophy of Poststructuralist Anarchism (1994), Between Genealogy and
Epistemology: Psychology, Politics, and Knowledge in the Thought of Michel
Foucault (1993). He is also written a novel, Blue Night (2004), and is the
editor of Twentieth Century Continental Philosophy (1996) and Operation
Defensive Shield: Witnesses to Israeli War Crimes (2003, with Muna Hamzeh).


Detailed abstracts for papers or panels should be submitted electronically
(500-750 words). Full papers (10-12 pages, double-spaced) may be submitted if
accompanied by an abstract. Presenters will have 20 minutes to present their
paper, followed by 10 minutes of discussion. Submit abstracts (and all other
conference related queries) to the conference co-organizers: Robert King
(king24_at_purdue.edu), Sol Neely (aporia_at_purdue.edu), or Nathan Jun

Deadline for Abstracts: January 1, 2006

Faculty contact: Daniel W. Smith (dsmith_at_cla.purdue.edu)
Director of the English and Philosophy Ph.D. Program: Charlene Seigfried

Department of Philosophy
Purdue University
100 N. University Street
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2098
tel. (765) 494-4276, fax (765) 496-1616

For more program information, check periodically the web site of The English
and Philosophy Ph.D. Program


Purdue is an equal access/equal opportunity university.

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Received on Sun Nov 27 2005 - 16:43:52 EST