CFP: Pedagogical Topics (grad) (12/17/05; Acacia, 2/17/06-2/18/06)
Acacia Group's 2006 Conference: Politicizing texts
The Acacia Group of California State University, Fullerton is seeking paper=
for our 2006 conference to be held February 17 and 18, 2006. We are =20
interested in papers/presentations for the following suggested panel:
Pedagogical Topics:=20
We are looking for papers that deal with any pedagogical topic dealing with=20=
literature, composition, or critical theory, such as:
Pedagogy: Critical Theory=20
Critical theory is sometimes considered esoteric, difficult, and an approac=
to thinking that takes readers away from =E2=80=9Cthe literary work.=E2=80=
=9D Can you=20
provide examples of critical theory=E2=80=99s usefulness, necessity, and pl=
ace in=20
literature? How would you create a course to introduce students to theory,=20=
making it=20
accessible, interesting, and unintimidating?=20
Pedagogy: Safe Harbors=20
Is a =E2=80=9Csafe=E2=80=9D and neutral classroom an achievable objective?=20=
Is it a useful=20
or necessary requirement for learning to occur? Is there a place for opinio=
n, =20
belief, and emotion in the classroom?=20
Pedagogy: Peer Editing=20
Can peer editing help improve writing? Should creating rubrics be a group=20
project? Is there a best/better way to create rubrics? Do students learn fr=
creating and applying rubrics to their peers=E2=80=99 writing? Are there li=
to learning in peer editing exercises?=20
Pedagogy and Interpretation of Texts=20
Critics such as Paulo Freire and bell hooks have attempted to eliminate=20
what Freire refers to as the "banking system" of education, in which studen=
are the idle receptacles of information. Freire's and hooks' pedagogical=20
methods seek to "engage" students, thereby empowering them, and according t=
o hooks,=20
enabling them to fight racism and sexism. How do "radical" and=20
"conservative" methods of pedagogy empower/disempower students? How does th=
is power=20
dynamic affect the reading and interpretation of texts? How has the readin=
g of =20
texts changed as pedagogical methods have changed?=20
Pedagogy and Technology=20
Can the use of technology, such as the Internet in distance learning, help=20
create equality in the classroom by erasing visual signs of difference?
We are accepting completed paper submissions only, no abstracts, please. =20
Creative writing/productions/performance contributions are encouraged to =20
function as commentaries on or expressions of any and all topics listed, or,=
may be submitted individually for special panel consideration. Submissions =20=
will not be presented in written form (performances, art, etc.) must includ=
a brief (1-2) page explanation of the submission's relevance to the =20
topic/theme, materials used, and concepts explored. All presentations, wheth=
er =20
written, performed, or shown, may not exceed 20 minutes.
Submission Deadline: December 17, 2005
Conference Date: February 17-18, 2006
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Tue Nov 29 2005 - 16:27:11 EST