CFP: The English Record - High Stakes Testing (4/30/06; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
J. Roy
contact email: 

Spring/Summer 2006 Deadline for submissions: 4/30/06

Testing, Testing, 1... 2.3: High Stakes Testing and the ELA Classrooms =
of the 21st Century

                High stakes testing seems to have become the bane of the =
English teacher's existence. Can we work with the tests and use them to =
enrich our classrooms. Or, has the inclusion of such behemoths =
destroyed our curriculum and the potential joy of teaching/learning =
English altogether? What are the ramifications of such assessments =
beyond the English classroom? How are the current tests and standards =
affecting students in Special Education or those students who are =
English Language Learners? Is there life beyond testing? =20



Please send a digital copy of your article in Microsoft Word via email =
to: Please submit a short biography =
including your name, school and grade(s) taught, home and work telephone =
numbers and email address. Articles submitted for consideration must =
conform to the new MLA Handbook

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Received on Tue Nov 29 2005 - 16:26:42 EST