CFP: Misuse and Abuse of Interactive Technologies (1/10/06; CHI, 4/22/06)

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This workshop is interdisciplinary. Philosophical and critical investigations
into the misuse and abuse of computing artifacts are
wanted. The workshop organizers are also working towards
journal and book publications in addition to the workshop
proceedings. Below is the cfp.

                          CALL FOR WORKSHOP PAPERS
"Misuse and Abuse of Interactive Technologies"
CHI 2006 Workshop
Date: Saturday, April 22 (Full day)
Venue: Montreal, Canada,
Submission Deadline: January 10

Workshop Web-site:

So far research into the user's emotional engagement in computing has
addressed pleasurable affective states such has enjoyment, fun, and
playfulness. Abuse: The darker side of human-computer interaction at
Interact 2005 explicitly addressed negative emotions in computing. It
was concluded in this workshop that interface design and metaphors can
inadvertently rouse more than user dissatisfaction and angry reactions:
they can promote a wide range of 'abusive' behaviors that are directed
not only towards the machine and the interface but also towards other
people (

The purpose of this interdisciplinary workshop is to explore interactive
systems as targets and medium of disinhibited behavior. The goal is to
bring together researchers who have encountered instances of negative
user behaviors in HCI, who might have given some thought to why and how
such behaviors happen, and who have some ideas on how pro-active, agent
based interfaces, should respond. Workshops discussions should provide a
foundation for understanding the misuse and abuse of interactive
technologies and for developing a systematic approach to designing
interfaces that counter negative behaviors.

Some of the larger questions and issues we hope to address during the
workshop are the following:
 - How does the misuse and abuse of the interface effect the user's
computing experience?
 - How do different interface metaphors (embodied conversational
characters, windows, desktops) shape a propensity to misuse or abuse of
the interface?
 - What design factors trigger or restrain disinhibited behaviors?
 - How does computer-mediated abuse differ from other forms of abuse,
e.g., the abuse of people, symbols, flags sacred objects, and personal
property? Is it appropriate to use the term abuse in this context?
 - Put downs and other forms of verbal abuse are a part of our everyday
social world. It is something we try to diffuse and avoid. How can we
develop embodied conversation characters that learn to constrain users
who engage in verbal abuse? Do we even need to diffuse it?
 - Is the act of verbally abusing a conversational agent anti-social
behavior or is it the expression of social norms reflecting an
asymmetric power distribution where the user is the master and the agent
the slave?

As the workshop is intended to be interdisciplinary, we hope the
questions and methodologies discussed will be of interest to a broad
audience, including social scientists, psychologists, computer
scientists, and those involved in the game industry. To help inform our
questioning, we also welcome philosophical and critical investigations
into the misuse and abuse of computing artifacts.

Prospective participants should send a 2/4-page position paper
(following the CHI extended Abstract format to

Further information on the workshop can be found at

   9 January 2006: submission
   24 January 2006: Notification of acceptance
    1 February 2006: CHI 2006 early registration deadline
   22 April 2006: workshop at CHI 2006

  Antonella De Angeli (University of Manchester), UK
  Sheryl Brahnam (Missouri State University), US
  Peter Wallis (University of Sheffield), UK
  Alan Dix (Lancaster University), UK

Programme committee:
Ruth Aylett (Heriot Watt University, UK)
Pamela Briggs (Nortumbria University, UK)
Christoph Bartneck (Eindhoven University of Technology, Holland)
Nadia Bianchi-Berthouze (University of Aizu, JP)
Claude Draude (Humboldt University Berlin, DE)
Dirk Heylen (University of Twente, NL)
Stefan Kopp (University of Bielefeld, DE)
Stacey Marsella (University of Southern California, USA)
Roger Moore (Universiy of Sheffield, UK)
Catherine Pelachaud (Universite de Paris 8, FR)
Daniela Petrelli (University of Sheffield, UK)
Oliviero Stock (IRST, IT)
Alistair Sutcliffe (University of Manchester, UK)
Yorick Wilks (University of Sheffield, UK)
Sean Zdenek (Texas Tech University, USA)

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Received on Mon Dec 05 2005 - 13:14:54 EST