CFP: Latina/o Lit & Culture (1/16/06; ALA, 5/25/06-5/28/06)
CFP: Latina/o Literature and Culture Society of the American Literature
Hyatt Regency San Francisco
May 25-28, 2006
The Latina/o Literature and Culture Society of the American Literature=20=
Association seeks proposals for several panels at the American=20
Literature Association=92s 17th annual conference at the Hyatt Regency=20=
San Francisco, CA May 25-28, 2006.
Unless otherwise noted, those interested in submitting a paper should=20
send a one-page abstract with your name, position, affiliation, and=20
contact information to Latina/o Literature and Culture Society co-chair=20=
Tanya Gonz=E1lez at by January 16, 2006.
Panel #1:
La-Reconquista: The Application of Latina/o
Studies to U.S. Literature(s) & Criticism
Chair: Dr. Maria de Guzman, University of North Carolina
This panel seeks to investigate the applicability and uses of Latina/o
Studies to ostensibly non-Latina/o texts within U.S. literature(s) and
criticism. What is entailed in extending the application of Latina/o=20
to cultural artifacts of the past before the putative existence of the
category "Latina/o" and, furthermore, to cultural artifacts other than=20=
deemed "Latina/o" or part of related categories (Chicana/o, Puerto=20
Dominican-American, etc.)? How do these new maps affect your sense of=20
yourself as a scholar of English &
American literature, American Studies, Americas Studies, Ethnic Studies=20=
Comparative Ethnic Studies, and so on?
Panel #2:
Lorna Dee Cervantes
Chair: Eliza Rodriguez y Gibson, Assistant Professor, University of=20
We seek papers on all aspects of the work of poet Lorna Dee Cervantes. =20=
Please submit a one-page abstract and short vita with contact=20
information and affiliation to Eliza Rodriguez y Gibson at=20
Panel #3:
Arturo Islas
Chair: Robert Oscar Lopez, Assistant Professor Canisius College,=20
Buffalo, NY
We seek papers on all aspects of the work of author Arturo Islas. =20
Please submit a one-page abstract and short vita with contact=20
information and affiliation to Bobby Lopez at=20
Panel #4:
Latina/o Noir
Chair: Valarie Zapata, Assistant Professor, Riverside Community College
This panel explores the presence of Latinas/os in =93Noir=94 texts and =
ways Latinas/os manipulate the genre, particularly in literature and=20
film. Please submit a one-page abstract, contact information and=20
affiliation to Valarie Zapata at
Panel #5
Administration of=97and Strategies for=97Area Studies=09
Chair: Tanya Gonz=E1lez, Assistant Professor, Kansas State University
Participants are sought for a roundtable discussion on ways to=20
implement Area Studies within the University. Issues addressed may=20
include, but not limited to, development, administration, grants, and=20
support networks.
For information about the Latina/o Literature and Culture Society,=20
contact Tiffany L=F3pez at For more information=20=
about the ALA and the conference, go to
Tanya Gonzalez, Assistant Professor
Department of English, 118 ECS Building
Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506-1200
Phone: 785.532.2154=
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Fri Dec 09 2005 - 15:18:43 EST