CFP: Sexuality Out of Place (12/30/05; 3/31/06-4/1/06)

full name / name of organization: 
Anupama Arora
contact email: 

Call for Papers

Sexuality Out of Place
Interdisciplinary Graduate Conference

March 31st—April 1st 2006, Earlham College

The 2006 "Sexuality Out of Place" conference is focused on examining the
relationship of space, place, and geography with sexuality; it interested in
exploring the different ways the location of identity plays out when
sexuality, sexual difference, and geography are taken seriously. This
conference will welcome graduate work—historical and contemporary—focused on
discourse, narratives, and practices of sexuality understood through the
prism of place and space, including

Why do place and geography matter?
What does it mean to examine both diasporic and queer identities?
How can we theorize and understand such cultural location?
What is the relation between "experience" and location and its meaning for
What might the consideration of these issues mean for a contemporary
politics of sex?
What kind of queer cultural readings emerge?

This conference encourages approaches that interrogate Western and colonial
conceptions of sexuality and the division between Western and non-Western

Interdisciplinary work is one of the principles of Earlham College and the
motif for this conference, and proposals from all fields (philosophy,
literature, history, sociology, anthropology, etc.) engaging with issues in
such a way will be given special consideration, as will proposals addressing
pedagogy and the integration of sexuality studies curricula at the
undergraduate level.

Topics of particular interest include:

• Post-Colonial visions of sexuality
• The relationship of race, gender, and sexuality
• Transnational and migratory sexualities
• Urban (sub)cultures
• Tourism
• Sexual economies
• "Queer Globalization"
• Visual culture and representation

Please send a proposal of no more than 350 words detailing your work,
institutional affiliation, and CV to by December
30, 2005. Proposals will be reviewed by a faculty reading committee.
Notification of acceptance will follow by February 10, 2006. For more
information, please visit

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         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Fri Dec 09 2005 - 15:19:07 EST
