CFP: Working Conditions: Reform & Religion in 19th Century American Women's Writing (12/15/05; ALA, 5/25/06-5/28/06)

full name / name of organization: 
Marit MacArthur
contact email: 

CFP: Working Conditions: Reform & Religion in 19th Century American
Women's Writing

How did anti-Calvinist religious movements (with a new belief in progress
and human perfectability) condition reformist American literature by women
during the period 1840-1895? Of particular interest are works that exposed
and criticized industrial working conditions, such as Rebecca Harding
Davis's Life in the Iron Mills, but papers on any reformist women's
writing works from this period are welcome.

Please submit a 300-word abstract by December 15th to:

Marit J. MacArthur, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of English
California State University, Bakersfield
9001 Stockdale Highway
Bakersfield CA 93311
(661) 654-6503

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Received on Fri Dec 09 2005 - 15:18:20 EST
