UPDATE: Ancient & Modern Narrative (1/13/06; 3/9/06-3/11/06)
Update: 41st Annual Comparative Literature conference at California=20
State University, Long Beach: "Ancient and Modern Narrative:=20
Intersections, Interactions, and Interstices"
Please note the new deadline for abstract submissions: Friday, 13=20
January 2006.
This conference will combine the traditional and the emergent aspects=20
of Comparative Literature, which began as a philological and=20
classically-oriented discipline and now encompasses a more emergent,=20
global perspective. It will emphasize modern literary echoes of the=20
classical world and direct adaptation of ancient literature. It can=20
include the study of canonical western texts (such as James Joyce=92s=20
adaptation of The Odyssey in Ulysses) and postcolonial appropriations=20
(i.e. Derek Walcott=92s Omeros). Plenary speaker: Georgia Ladogianni,=20
Professor of Philology at the University of Ioannina, Greece. Title of=20=
plenary talk: "Ancient and Modern Greece; Myth in Poetry and Drama of=20
the 20th Century". Conference activities include a trip to the Getty=20
Possible Panel Topics:
Rewritings of Classical Texts
Retellings of Classical Myth
Mimesis and Concepts of Imitation
The Classical Heritage in Non-Western Contexts
The Exilic Imagination
The Adaptation of Comic Forms
Representations of Classical Realities
Genre Theory
Satire Across the Centuries
The Classics in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction (i.e. film)
The Western Tradition in a Global Context.
Call for papers:
One page (300 word maximum) abstracts should be sent to Kathryn Chew,=20
Dept of Comparative Literature and Classics, MHB-517, Cal State Univ.=20
Long Beach, Long Beach, CA 90840-2404; kchew2_at_csulb.edu. Papers should=20=
be 15-20 minutes. Abstract deadline: 13 January 2006.
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham: higginbj_at_english.upenn.edu
Received on Fri Dec 09 2005 - 15:18:36 EST