CFP: Ethnicity and Kairos (1/6/06; 2/24/06)
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A Symposium in Rhetoric: "Ethnicity & Kairos"
Open to faculty, graduate students, and independent scholars
The Federation Rhetoric Committee of the Federation of North Texas Area
Texas Woman's University - Denton, Texas
Where: ACT Bldg. 2nd Floor
When: February 24, 2006
A student of the Institute for American Indian Arts asked Native American
author Louise Erdrich about criticism received concerning originality and
truth in her novels, Edrich replied, "You have to be very confident in your
version of the truth [. . .] Your art has to be your truth. A very mediocre
vision seems to please a broad range of people; so, in a way, strong
criticism is a positive thing. If you're pleasing a huge segment of the
country, what are you? You're reality T.V. or you're the Bridges of Madison
County, or you're at a level that I don't think reflects the truth of your
distinctive experience."
(Lunch with Louise Erdrich: An Interview.
The Federation Rhetoric Committee is seeking papers that reflect the kairos
of originality, truth, and the search for identity in American Ethnic
American Ethnic Literature includes, but not limited to, the following
ethnic groups:
Text Box: Please take this opportunity to share your papers and introduce
listeners to the rich, vibrant tradition of writers who express their sense
of identity through fiction.
Asian Americans
Native Americans
Hispanic Americans
African Americans
Jewish Americans
Kairos: Definition
"The opportune occasion for speech. The term kairos has a rich and varied
history, but generally refers to the way a given context for communication
both calls for and constrains one's speech. Thus, sensitive to kairos, a
speaker or writer takes into account the contingencies of a given place and
time, and considers the opportunities within this specific context for words
to be effective and appropriate to that moment. As such, this concept is
tightly linked to considerations of audience (the most significant variable
in a communicative context) and to decorum (the principle of apt speech)."
Quoted courtesy of Silva Rhetoricae (
The Rhetoric Symposium broadly defines Kairos to incorporate a wide variety
of research interests. The panel is interested in papers, which present an
interdisciplinary approach to mass communications.
Submission guidelines:
* Proposals should be in abstract form (approximately 250 words);
electronic submissions are preferred.
* Please send abstracts and a brief biography to Lynda Davis,
* The deadline for submission of all proposals is December 15, 2005
The keynote speaker will be Dr. Brenda Brueggeman of Ohio State University.
For additional details about the symposium, please visit the conference web
site: <>
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Tue Dec 13 2005 - 09:15:28 EST