CFP: Gender Across Borders II: Research Subjects (1/10/06; 4/21/06-4/22/06)

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April 21-22, 2006
Institute for Research & Education on Women and Gender
State University of New York at Buffalo

Panel Proposal Deadline: 1/10/06
Individual Paper Deadline: 2/15/06

An interdisciplinary conference focusing on women and gender, "Gender
Across Borders II: Research Subjects," takes seriously the subjection
of bodies to research: we are interested in ethical and contentious
issues orbiting both subjects *of* research and subjects *as*
researchers. In particular, we are interested in proposals and
research that take into account the sexed and gendered nature of their
subjects. Proposals for panels and individual papers might consider:

Subjects of research:

-- Research Methodology and our Subjects: Research, methodology,
writing (scientific or otherwise) openly concerned with the
sex/gender/sexuality of its subjects. Papers might consider how
research situates our subjects in relation to gender, sex, or
neutrality, and/or in relation to other social 'indicators' such
as "race," class, disability, nationality, etc. Explorations of
implications of methodology, categorization, and sampling of
populations making visible the particularity of subjects are of
special interest, as are papers that address how such categorization
might effectively hurt our subjects. Papers might also address the
incorporation or exclusion of sexed/gendered/sexualized dimensions of
subjects (intentional or otherwise) in social planning, policy,
architecture, design, art, and media. The subjection of *oneself* to
gendered/sexed/ sexuality research and analysis (self-reflexive
ethnographies, new & mixed media, art, film, etc.) are also welcome.

--Goals of Research: consideration of sex/gender/sexuality of
subjects in terms of the effects of and/or goals of research, therapy,
treatment, artistic or theoretical interventions.

--Subjects in Context: implications of situating, analyzing, and/or
treating gendered subjects within a specific social context whether
defined as global, transnational, rural, cosmopolitan, communitarian,
postcolonial, etc.

--"Other" Subjects: non-human life, animal research (ethics and
care), sexuation, inanimate subject matter, objects of study.
Perspectives on the relation between human and the non-human are also

--Material and Historical Conditions of Research: considerations of
the production of knowledge, research, artifacts, artwork, both
historically and in the present, including analysis of physical space
of research, geography, funding, access to materials, institutional
support, etc.

Subjects as researchers:

--Productive Constraints of Researchers: Analyses of how (gendered)
researchers are subjected to particular methodologies and constraints,
whether temporal, material, economic, physical or geographic. One
might consider the productive limitations therefore placed on data,
analysis and conclusions. Or, one might reflect on the position of
the self as observer, how one situated to see/analyze/look in
particular ways. We very much encourage retrospective analyses of
completed projects, presentations and analyses of research in progress
(dissertations, thesis work, experiments, etc.), or descriptions of
future research given such considerations.

--Subjects of Empire/Colonizing Subjects and Research.

--The Demand: "Subjects, research!" Issues of collaboration,
supervision, and authority (pre- & postdoctoral relationships);
research as labor; questions of subjectivity and writing.

--Emerging Women Scientists and Engineers: Researchers whose work does
not explicitly discuss gender are welcomed and encouraged to present
their current research in format most appropriate to their work: panel
discussion, power-point presentations and/or poster display.

--"Work Life" Forums: balancing research, non-academic life, family,

Two poster-prizes will be awarded to outstanding poster displays in
the exhibit accompanying the symposium.

Proposed Keynote Speakers: Bhanu Kapil, Naropa University;
Molly Carnes (Wisconsin-Madison), Co-Director of Wiseli's Women in
Science & Engineering Leadership Institute.

We welcome proposals for panels, individual papers and poster displays
from all disciplines. Abstracts should be included in the body of an
email sent to, and must not exceed 300 words.

Deadline for Panel Proposals: January 10th, 2006.
Deadline for Individual Papers and Poster Displays: February 15th,

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Received on Tue Dec 13 2005 - 08:39:21 EST