CFP: Urban Space, Practices of Everyday Life, Politics (Turkey) (1/31/06; 7/20/06-7/23/06)
CFP: Urban Space, Practices of Everyday Life, Politics (01/31/05;
Crossroads 2006
Association for Cultural Studies Conference
Istanbul Bilgi University, Istanbul, Turkey
July 20-23, 2006
Call for Papers
Panel Title: Urban Space, Practices of Everyday Life, Politics
Panel description: This panel will explore the widely disregarded question concerning
the indeterminate political role played by everyday life practices in the social
production of urban space. Papers elaborating on the questions of space and
authorship, everyday life and politics, discursive representations of programmed
urban spaces and unprogrammed practices of everyday life, and the politics of
everyday transgressions are welcome. The main theoretical goal of the panel is to
register the often unregistered significance of lived experience as a critical
concept in rethinking the social space of the city.
Are the inhabitants of the city merely consumers of urban space? Or do they have a
constitutive role in molding the shape of the city? To what extent are transgressive
everyday practices acts of emancipation; to what extent are they to be regarded as
attempts to reconciliation? What is the significance of everyday life practices with
regard to the realms of the social, the spatial, and the political in the metropolis?
Please e-mail abstracts (250 words), accompanied by a short bio, by January 31, 2006.
Panel Organizer:
Derya Ozkan
Graduate Program in Visual and Cultural Studies
University of Rochester
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Tue Dec 13 2005 - 08:39:50 EST