UPDATE: Experimentation and Orthodoxy in Recent American Literature (12/20/05; ALA, 5/25/06-5/28/06)
Deadline for abstracts has been extended to December 20.
American Religion and Literature Society
At the 2006 American Literature Association Conference
May 25-28, San Francisco
Founded in 1997, the American Religion and Literature Society (ARLS) is
a member society of the American Literature Association (ALA). ARLS is
dedicated to the scholarly exploration of the relationships among
religion, literature, and American culture, where each is broadly
construed and where no particular scholarly or disciplinary approach is
favored over any other. We try to nurture both a meaningful witness to
the vitality of religion and literature and collegial friendships
within the area of noted interest.
ARLS Topic for 2006: Experimentation and Orthodoxy in Recent American
With respect to that general topic, ARLS will sponsor two sessions at
1. Rebel Characters: Rejecting or Nuancing Religious Orthodoxy
2. Moving East: American Writers and the Allure of Nonwestern Religions
We will also sponsor a roundtable discussion on the topic:
3. Writing and Teaching Religion through Literature
Submission of Abstracts
Please send an e-mail with contact information and title of paper and a
separate, 500-word abstract (for a paper of 3000 words or approximately
20 minutes reading time; 10 minutes for the roundtable) to the
following address by no later than 20 December: mbr_at_creighton.edu.
Please note: the abstract should be sent as a separate attachment in
Word, and nowhere on it should there be any indication that you are its
author, though it should include the same paper title which appears in
the e-mail. You will be notified via e-mail or phone by 20 January
2006 whether your paper has been accepted.
Membership in ARLS/Questions
Those presenting papers are required to be current members of ARLS
(membership form in newsletter on ARLS website). If you have
additional questions, please contact either:
Michael Brown (President, ARLS): mbr_at_creighton.edu or
Susan Rushing Adams (Vice President, ARLS): srushingadams_at_verizon.net
ARLS website: www.arlshome.org.
Conference details: www.americanliterature.org.
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham: higginbj_at_english.upenn.edu
Received on Tue Dec 13 2005 - 08:39:35 EST