UPDATE: Samuel R. Delany –– A Critical Symposium (1/15/06; 3/23/06–3/24/06)

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Plenary speaker and website announced:


SUNY Buffalo
March 23-4, 2006
Deadline: January 15, 2006

"Samuel R. Delany: A Critical Symposium" is a conference intended to provide
an interdisciplinary forum for world-class scholars and innovative writers to
discuss and celebrate Delany's work. As such, it will be the first event of its kind
in the United States.

The author of thirty-four books of fiction and nonfiction, Samuel R. Delany has
had an enormous influence across a wide range of American literary and critical
endeavor. His work has been anthologized in the Norton Anthology of African
American Literature, he has won four Nebula awards for his science fiction and
a Hugo for his autobiography, The Motion of Light in Water, and for his whole
body of work he has been awarded the William Whitehead Memorial Award for
a Lifetime Contribution to Lesbian and Gay Literature.

The goal of the conference is to begin to build critical bridges between the many
fields of writing and inquiry in which Delany has made his mark. Suggested
topics for discussion include, but are in no way limited to, the relation of
Delany's work to science fiction, feminism, African American literature, queer
theory, contemporary philosophy, urban theory, postmodernism, Marxism,
psychoanalysis, and cyberculture. It will also encourage dialogue between
academics and writers who have claimed Delany as an influence. In this way, it
is hoped, the conference will mark the beginning of a new wave of scholarship
on a writer whose interrogations of gender and sexuality, race and class, genre
and theory, and identity and difference have been and will remain of vital
importance to American literature and thought.

Of special importance to this conference is that Mr. Delany himself will be
attending and giving a reading. Featured speakers include Larry McCaffery,
Carl Freedman, and Jeffrey Tucker. Also reading will be writer and critic Lance

For further information and updates on the conference, visit the conference
website at http://www.english.buffalo.edu/delany.

Presentations are to be limited to half an hour in length. Please e-mail a 500-
word abstract to delanyconference_at_gmail.com before January 15, 2006.

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                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham: higginbj_at_english.upenn.edu
Received on Tue Dec 13 2005 - 09:15:06 EST
