UPDATE: Thoreau Featured at Carson Conference (1/19/06; 6/13/06-6/16/06)
Franklin Burroughs, author and conservationist, has been added to the
program of featured speakers for the Fourth NEW-CUE Writers' Conference
and Workshop in honor of Rachel Carson in Boothbay Harbor, Maine, in
June, 2006. Burroughs' work has been included in publications such as
the Kenyon Review, Harper's Magazine, The American Scholar and the
Georgia Review, and he has won critical acclaim for his two books Billy
Watson's Croker Sack and Horry and the Waccamaw.
The Keynote Speaker for the event will be Lawrence Buell. Other
featured speakers will include Jane Brox, Jeffrey Cramer, Ted Levin and
Jennifer Sahn. The program schedule will include workshops,
presentations, and guided activities such as hikes, tide pool
explorations and trips to the Burnt Island Lighthouse and the Coastal
Maine Botanical Gardens.
Daily concurrent sessions will include readings of accepted
submissions. We hope that you will submit if your work will add to a
discussion of these or other related topics:
New and creative responses to the work of Carson or Thoreau
Urban and suburban wildernesses
Distinguished tradition of American nature writing before Thoreau
Challenges facing poet-naturalists
First-hand experience as a source of knowledge of and commitment to nature
Legacy of Rachel Carson's work under attack
Ecocriticism and the media
Wild spaces in urban places
Nature within children's literature
Finding and preserving a personal Walden on a degraded planet
Submissions will need to include a cover page with the author's full
name, institutional or organizational affiliation (if applicable), and
contact information including mailing address, phone, fax and e-mail
address. Submissions should be typed and no longer than three pages,
with the author's name included on each page. Submissions of visual
materials can include samples or descriptions. Presenters will need to
register for the Conference/Workshop. Please send by surface mail, fax
or e-mail before January 19, 2006 to:
Barbara Ward Klein, President
c/o St. Thomas Aquinas College
Sparkill, NY 10976
Phone: 845-398-4247 Fax: 845-398-4224 e-mail: info_at_new-cue.org
Enrollment is limited to 100 participants, and early registration is
recommended. Participants whose work will be accepted for presentation
at the 2006 Conference/Workshop will need to register for the event.
Please visit our web site http://www.new-cue.org
<http://www.new-cue.org/> for registration information and a further
description of The Spruce Point Inn and the Boothbay Harbor area.
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham: higginbj_at_english.upenn.edu
Received on Tue Dec 13 2005 - 08:39:50 EST