CFP: American Confessional Elegies (1/19/06; ALA, 5/25/06-5/28/06)

full name / name of organization: 
Sarah L. Peters
contact email: 

Panel proposed for the
American Literature Association Conference
May 25-28, 2006
San Francisco, CA
Conference information:

Confessional Elegies

While traditional elegies focus on memorializing the person who has died,
often expressing professional appreciation of the subject's work or deeds,
confessional elegies offer emotional, highly personal accounts of loss and
grief concerned less with the life of the one who is gone and more with
the pain of the one left behind. Poets such as Robert Frost, Robert
Lowell, Sylvia Plath, John Berryman, Anne Sexton, and Elizabeth Bishop
produced elegies to friends, family members, and fellow artists that dealt
with the experience of grief that accompanies death. I am seeking papers
that examine confessional elegies and how they fit within the larger
traditions of the elegy and American poetry.

Submit abstracts of 250-300 words to by January 19, 2006.

Sarah L. Peters
Department of English
Texas A&M University
MS 4227
College Station, TX 77843

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Received on Fri Dec 16 2005 - 13:09:18 EST
