CFP: Beyond Borders: The Aroostook Review Online (ongoing; journal)

full name / name of organization: 
Geraldine Cannon Becker

The Aroostook Review, a new online journal largely developed by students
under the guidance of English faculty at the University of Maine at Fort
Kent, is seeking quality submissions of poetry, fiction, non-fiction and
creative non-fiction for possible publication in its first issue-Spring
2006. Work that is accepted for online publication may be selected for
a yearly print "Best of" issue. We plan to print what readers select as the
best work in each category.

In the category of non-fiction, we would include scholarly essays on writers
and various types of academic essays. We plan to have an interview with
a featured writer, scholar, inspirational person or lifelong learner in each
If you have an idea for such an interview, please query.

The current theme is "Beyond Borders" since we are moving beyond borders
with our first online issue. The theme will vary for each issue, and you
also suggest future themes. If you are unsure whether your work fits
the current theme, you may query first.

Submission Guidelines:
Please make sure your submissions are in a ©Microsoft Word Format (*.doc) or
a plain text file (*.txt).
Biographical information: In the body of the email, by which you attach
work, please provide a short biography of around 50 words (written in the
third person).

Fiction Submissions:
We accept short stories of all types and genres (i.e. Comedy, Science
Fiction, Horror, Action, Romance, Children's Literature, etc.). The short
story must be between 500 words (2 pages) and 2500 words (10 pages) in
length. Only one work of fiction is accepted per person during one
publishing period. All other submissions will be discarded.

Non-Fiction Submissions:
Memoirs, Biographies, and Autobiographies are accepted for non-fiction
submissions. Essays, interviews and columns are accepted, but in order to do
interview or column you must contact The Aroostook Review with a query. The
work of non-fiction must be between 500 words (2 pages) and 2500 words (10
pages) in length. Only one non-fiction submission is accepted per person
during one publishing period. All other submissions will be discarded.

Poetry Submissions:
Any type of poetry is accepted with no restrictions on form or content. 3 to
5 pages of poetry, with one poem on each page, are accepted per person
during each publishing period. All other poems will be discarded.

For more information please visit The Aroostook Review online at:
or email

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Received on Fri Dec 16 2005 - 13:09:32 EST