CFP: General Papers and Publishing Academic Work (grad) (1/17/06; journal issue)

full name / name of organization:

The University of Durham's Online Journal
A Journal and Forum for Postgraduates in English in the UK and Europe

Invites postgraduates studying in the UK and Europe to submit papers of not
more than 7000 words on a topic of YOUR CHOICE in the broad range of English
Studies for issue 13 (March 2006) of our refereed online journal. Papers must
conform to the MLA guidelines for presentation and be received no later than


This journal publishes papers from PhD, MPhil, or MA by research students
ONLY. Please, when submitting your work, include the following information in
the email: name of University, full title of program, title of essay.

IN ADDITION we invite you to send us 1000 word papers on issues of 'Publishing
Academic Work.' You may wish to discuss processes and ways of finding and
approaching publishers for your work (papers, books, etc.), and ways of
effective searching for publishers or publishing events that relate to the
subject/topic of your work. You may also wish to discuss ways in which to
extract publishable work from your PhD thesis, the layout and presentation of
a publishable academic paper, or general tips on how you could modify your
work for publication. You may also send us the experiences you have had on
this issue. Papers on all topics surrounding this issue are welcome.

We can also advertise postgraduate conferences in the UK and Europe if

Check out our Journal's ARTICLES to view previous papers, and take part in our
FORUM, which deals with many of the issues facing postgraduates such as jobs,
research, conferences, publishing and teaching tutorials, all on our website

Papers should be sent to:

All papers will be refereed and chosen by members of our editorial board:
Professor Andrew Bennett (Bristol), Professor Julia Boffey (Q.M., London), Dr.
Fran Brearton (Queen's), Dr. Joseph Brooker (Birkbeck), Dr. Sean Burke
(Durham), Professor Timothy Clark (Durham), Dr. Fabio Cleto (University of
Bergamo), Dr. Jane de Gay (Trinity A.S. Leeds), Dr. Robin Dix (Durham), Dr.
R.J. Ellis (Birmingham), Dr. Ewan Fernie (Royal Holloway), Dr. Gary Hall
(Middlesex), Dr. Victor Houliston (Witwatersrand), Dr. Nancy Huse (Augustana
College, IL), Dr. Simon James (Durham), Dr. David Johnson (Open U), Professor
Vivien Jones (Leeds), Dr. Paulina Kewes (Jesus College, Oxford), Dr. Ruth
Livesey (Royal Holloway), Dr. Ulrika Maude (Durham), Professor Michael O'Neill
(Durham), Professor Vincent Newey (Leicester), Dr. Beverley Pennell (Charles
Stuart), Dr. Ralph Pite (Liverpool), Professor Stephen Regan (Durham), Dr.
Caroline Rooney (Kent), Dr. Robert Rouse (Nottingham), Professor Nicholas
Royle (Sussex), Dr. Mark Sandy (Durham), Dr. Heather Scutter (Monash), Dr.
Matthew Steggle (Sheffield Hallam), Dr. Randall Stevenson (Edinburgh), Dr.
John Strachan (Sunderland), Dr. Ceri Sullivan (Bangor), Dr. Jennifer Terry
(Durham), Dr. Richard Terry (Sunderland), Dr. Chris Thurgar-Dawson (Teesside),
Dr. Lisa Vargo (Saskatchewan), Professor Merle Williams (Witwatersrand), Dr.
Marcus Wood (Sussex), Dr. Sarah Wood (Kent).

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Fri Dec 16 2005 - 13:09:57 EST