UPDATE: Traffic (grad) (1/15/06; 3/10/06)

full name / name of organization: 
mikel parent

The deadline for abstracts submissions has been extended to January 15,

Conference website:

MARCH 10, 2006
Plenary Speaker: Professor John Plotz, Brandeis University

The Third Annual English Graduate Conference at Brandeis University

Traffic will be an interdisciplinary conference that explores the movement
of persons, cultural products, objects, and ideas between different
contexts: nations, cultures, territories, class positions, gender
identities, racial boundaries, urban and rural spaces, and political

We seek papers that address traffic as a critical concept useful for
thinking about movement in literature, film studies, art history, visual
culture, anthropology, cultural studies, psychology, history, gender
studies, philosophy, and critical theory.

The conference is open but not limited to original scholarship in the
following areas:

-Piracy, Trade Networks, and Commodities
-Illicit Commerce, Smuggling
-Border Crossing, Boundaries, and Surveillance
-Traffic in Bodies
-Travel Narratives, Narratives of Exploration and Conquest
-Traffic in Ideas
-Censored Artworks and Literatures
-Rural and Urban Spaces, Exurbs, Satellite Cities
-Transportation, Automobility
-Diseases, Vaccine, Viruses
-Refugees, Exiles, and Expatriates
-Speed, Motion
-Intercultural Exchange
-Diaspora, Cultural Dissemination
-Globalization, Third Way Politics, and Empire
-Global Flows, Transversality, Micropolitics
-Liminality, Frontiers
-Class Mobility and Stasis

Submissions are not limited on the basis of historical period or genre; we
hope to have papers and panels that span different cultural, historical,
theoretical, and disciplinary contexts.

*Send panel proposals and/or paper abstracts (two pages maximum) to
traffic_conference_at_hotmail.com by January 15, 2006.

Organizing Committee:

Mikel Parent (parent_at_brandeis.edu)
Doctoral Candidate and Instructor
Brandeis University
Department of English and American Literature

Danielle Coriale (dcoriale_at_brandeis.edu)
Doctoral Candidate and Instructor
Brandeis University
Department of English and American Literature

Ryan Wepler (rmwepler_at_brandeis.edu)
Doctoral Candidate and Instructor
Brandeis University
Department of English and American Literature

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham: higginbj_at_english.upenn.edu
Received on Fri Dec 16 2005 - 13:09:04 EST