CFP: American Fiction of the 1990s (5/2/06; collection)

full name / name of organization: 
Jay Prosser
contact email: 

AMERICAN FICTION OF THE 1990S. Abstracts are invited for a collection of essays on American fiction of the 1990s, which has been commissioned by Routledge. Primary authors and texts should be mostly those taught, well known, award-winning, literary (the collection is designed for senior-level undergraduate courses). Essays may focus on a single text or author or may group texts or authors under a coherent, relevant topic. Essays will be assigned to one of the following themes, which form the organizing sections of the book: Geographies, Ethnicities, Memories, Sexualities, Technologies. What are the distinguishing features and exciting achievements of American fiction of the 1990s with regard to such categories? Contributors are encouraged to set American fiction in its cultural, literary-historical, and/or theoretical context. Send abstracts (300-500 words in length), accompanied by the contributor's affiliation and a list of select publications, as a Word attachment by 5 Fe!
 bruary 2006 or write for further information to Jay Prosser ( <> ).

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         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Wed Dec 21 2005 - 14:04:24 EST