CFP: Romanticism and the Ethics of Knowledge (2/15/06; NASSR, 8/31/06-9/3/06)

full name / name of organization: 
Jacques Khalip
contact email: 

Scientia and Techne: 14th Annual Conference of the North American =20
Society for the Study of Romanticism (NASSR), Purdue University, West =20=

Lafayette, Indiana.

"Inhibiting Scientia: Romanticism and the Ethics of Knowledge"

This panel will explore how writings of the Enlightenment and =20
Romantic period differently abstain from and inhibit a compulsion to =20
produce knowledge at all costs, and how these abstentions and =20
inhibitions are related to the ethical imagination. In what ways are =20
reflections on the limits of knowledge also related to questions of =20
identity, otherness, and self-disclosure? How do texts of the period =20
(literary, philosophical, scientific, legal, etc.) work to halt, =20
interrupt, or suspend the rage to know, to act, and to make? How do =20
writers explore the aesthetic as a mode of cognition that blocks =20
mastery? And how do figures of ignorance, na=EFvet=E9, melancholy, =20
stupidity, or blank refusal evoke the ethical and cultural anxieties =20
that attend knowledge production?

Proposals should not exceed two pages (500 words) and should be =20
submitted with a one page CV by attachment or in the body of the an =20
email by February 15, 2006. Please submit your proposals by emailing =20
Jacques Khalip at and cc'ing the conference =20
committee at

Participants at the conference must have paid dues to either NAVSA or =20=

NASSR for that year in
order to participate, and should include a cc to one of the two =20
conference e-mail addresses.

Please refer to the NASSR conference website for further information:

Jacques Khalip
Assistant Professor
Department of English and Cultural Studies
McMaster University
1280 Main St. West, CNH 310
Hamilton, ON L8S 4L9 Canada
905-525-9140, ext. 23719

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Received on Wed Dec 21 2005 - 14:06:16 EST
