CFP: Shakespeare and the Cultures of Childhood, 1807-2007 (1/31/06; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
Kate Chedgzoy

2007 sees the two-hundredth anniversary of the first publication of two
books that have played distinctively significant roles in the mediation
of Shakespeare for children, and the reception of his works by them:
Charles and Mary Lamb's Tales from Shakespeare, and Henrietta Bowdler's
The Family Shakespeare (revised by her brother Thomas a decade later).
As guest-editors of a cluster of essays in the December 2006 issue of
the new Routledge journal Shakespeare, we wish to take this anniversary
as an opportunity to reflect on some of the meanings and consequences of
Shakespeare's global travels through the cultures of childhood over the
last two hundred years.

We invite contributions that offer insights into the various ways in
which Shakespeare has come to form part of the culture of childhood
internationally, and in doing so has himself helped to shape what we
understand childhood to mean. Though a great deal of that cultural work
has been done in the context of formal educational institutions, we are
not concerned here with Shakespeare in schools, but rather with his
implication in the more informal, domestic, and eclectic processes of
children's engagement with the world - the processes and situations with
which both the Lambs and Bowdlers were originally concerned.

Please send abstracts or completed essay drafts (5-7,000 words in
length) to both the cluster editors by January 31, 2006.

Kate Chedgzoy, University of Newcastle (
Susanne Greenhalgh, Roehampton University

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Received on Wed Dec 21 2005 - 14:05:29 EST