UPDATE: Poetry and Politics (UK) (1/15/06; 7/13/06-7/16/06)

full name / name of organization: 
Andrew Sneddon {PG}
contact email: 

Extended deadline:

Call for papers: Poetry and Politics. A Conference at the University of
Stirling, Scotland, 13-16 July 2006.=20

Abstracts of 200-250 words of papers not lasting longer than twenty
minutes in delivery should reach the organisers by our extended deadline
of January 15, 2006. Many thanks to all those who have already
responded. Everyone concerned will receive a formal decision on their
submission by mid January as previously advertised.

Poets and speakers to include Moniza Alvi, Eavan Boland, David Dabydeen,
Marilyn Hacker, Linton Kwesi Johnson, David Norbrook, Tom Paulin, Deryn
Rees-Jones, Jo Shapcott, and the Norton keynote speaker, Adrienne Rich
(all confirmed).=20

Papers are invited which consider the theme of politics in relation to
poetry from classical antiquity to the contemporary. The following list
suggests some possible areas for development, but proposals in any area
relating to the conference theme of poetry and politics will be welcome:

The politics of stratifications and hierarchies based on constructions
of race, class, age, religion, gender or physical / mental ability;
notions of the public and the private; the figure of the exile; the
politics of dialect and 'non-standard' English; the protest song;
prophets and seers; the figure of the committed poet; patriotism and
nationalism; globalisation and parochialism; the politics of landscape
and environmentalism; mythopoeia; conservatism and radicalism; the
politics of tradition; the politics of reading and teaching poetry; the
politics of language and the ineffable; the politics of translation;
sites of protest, such as the coffee house, the tavern or the rock
concert; modes of protest; popular dissent and politics; scurrilous
verse and libel; patronage and politics; poetry and religious politics.=20

We are happy to accept enquiries and abstracts via email to
poetryandpolitics_at_stir.ac.uk <mailto:poetryandpolitics_at_stir.ac.uk> .
Abstracts may also be posted to Poetry and Politics Conference,
University of Stirling, Stirling, Scotland, FK9 4LA. Further details are
available on the conference webpages: www.poetryandpolitics.stir.ac.uk

Conference organisers: Glennis Byron, John Drakakis, Marilyn Michaud and
Andrew Sneddon.


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              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham: higginbj_at_english.upenn.edu
Received on Wed Dec 21 2005 - 14:02:50 EST