CFP: Cultural Studies and the Transformation of the University (Turkey) (1/31/06; Crossroads, 7/20/06-7/23/06)

full name / name of organization:
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Association for Cultural Studies
Crossroads Conference at Istanbul Bilgi University
20-23 July 2006
_ (
Cultural Studies and the Transformation of the University

Contemporary universities are undergoing radical shifts in both self-concept
and cultural
practices. This panel will examine the ways in which praxis-oriented forms
of cultural
studies (university partnerships with community-based projects, art and
based research and pedagogy, and international working groups) can serve as
a catalyst to
developing universities that are far more thoroughly integrated into their
intellectual, political, and geographic surroundings. The panel, designed
primarily for
those engaged in developing cultural studies curricula and programs, will be
moderated as a discussion between presenters and other participants. Our
focus will be on
framing several key questions about, and then articulating responses to, the
transformative possibilities of cultural studies in and across diverse

Please send proposals by January 31, 2006 to:

Gray Kochhar-Lindgren, PhD
Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
University of Washington, Bothell
_gklindgren_at_uwb.edu_ (

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Received on Mon Jan 02 2006 - 07:15:33 EST
