CFP: Pedagogy and Issues in the Profession (ongoing; journal)

full name / name of organization: 
Winans, Amy
contact email: 

CFP: Pedagogy and Issues in the Profession =20

Modern Language Studies, the journal of the Northeast Modern Language =
Association, is currently seeking essays addressing pedagogy and/or =
current issues in the profession. Essays may address topics such as =
pedagogical theory, practical teaching strategies, implications of No =
Child Left Behind (from the university perspective), faculty/student =
collaboration, curriculum, information technology, small =
college/research university dynamics, institutional politics, graduate =
and faculty unionization, part-time faculty, tenure and promotion, =
affirmation action, academia and the =93two-body=94 problem, service =
learning, or other pedagogical or professional issues. Essays typically =
range in length from 2500-7000 words. =20

NEMLA membership is not required to submit to MLS; however, membership =
is required for publication.

Queries and submissions should be sent to Amy Winans, Associate Editor, =
Pedagogy and Profession:
or =20
Modern Language Studies
Susquehanna University
Box 1861=20
Selinsgrove, PA 17870

Submission information:
All manuscripts submitted should use MLA style for citations and notes, =
with notes placed at the end of the text.=20
Manuscripts submitted by post should include an e-mail address for =
acknowledgement. If you wish the essays returned to you, include a SASE =
with appropriate postage.=20
Manuscripts submitted as Microsoft Word e-mail attachments will be =
accepted and should be accompanied by a cover message that includes the =
author's relevant affiliations and a U.S. or international postal =

Amy Winans
Associate Professor of English
Susquehanna University
Selinsgrove, PA 17870

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sat Jan 07 2006 - 11:47:34 EST
