CFP: Afro-American Historical & Genealogical Society (2/28/06; 10/26/06-10/29/06)
Afro-American Historical & Genealogical Society (AAHGS)
Annual Conference 2006
"The Legacy of our Roots: A Heritage for the Future"
The Afro-American Historical & Genealogical Society (AAHGS)
announces the 2006 Conference Call for Papers to be presented at our=20
next annual Conference in Salt Lake City, Utah, 26-29 October
The AAHGS Conference endeavors each year to provide the premier> =20
opportunity to explore standard and innovative methods, resources,
and strategies centered around African-American, Caribbean, Native
American genealogy and the expansive history of the African in the
Authors and possible candidates for general assembly gatherings
may also submit their proposals.
The following focus areas are offered as suggestions for session
African-American History
* African-American Migration
* Periods of War
* Use of Technology in Research (not product sales presentations)
* Church/Religious History in the African-American Experience
* The Civil Rights Movement
* Research Methodologies (various levels)
* State-Specific Research Resources; Adoption Records
* Local history, i.e. town histories; institutions; industrial
* Native American/African-American experience
* Blacks in the West; Black Cowboys
* Black Inventors
* Blacks in Antiquity
The topics are merely suggestions. We are looking for presenters
that have solidly researched their topic area, are able to inform
a diverse audience and deliver insightful and enjoyable presentations.
Proposal Format
I. Session Title
II. Name(s) of session presenters--indicate lead
III. Research skill level of audience
IV. Purpose/learning objective
V. Session description - Provide narrative of
information to be covered in the presentation (this information
will be included in the Conference syllabus).
VI. Include presenter(s) biographical information
VII. Include list of resources and/or bibliography.
VIII. Audio/visual requirements (this must be included in
your initial proposal): please indicate the type of audio/visual
equipment that will be required for your presentation.
Example: I will be using Power Point for my presentation. I will
bring my own laptop, but will need a projector; OR I will u se
Power Point and will provide my own equipment; OR I am using Power
Point and will need a laptop and projector from AAHGS.
Finally, indicate if you need an overhead projector; slide
projector, TV/VCR/DVD, flip chart, portable sound system,
microphone, table or podium.
Submissions should be made in Microsoft=AE Word format only,
preferably via email, no later than 28 FEBRUARY. Proposals should
not exceed six pages and must include all required information.=20
Notice of acceptance or rejection will be made no later than 31
March. Be sure to include complete name, email, postal mailing
address and telephone number(s).
All presenters agree to participate at their own expense. A token
of appreciation is offered; however, it does not cover Conference
costs. Please take this into consideration before submitting or
agreeing to participate. Session materials, bios, etc. will be
included in the Conference syllabus.
For more information or to submit a proposal, contact Khadijah
Matin ( <>).=20
Individuals can also submit proposals via postal mail (if
submitting hardcopy, submission must include the file saved on
computer disk): Khadijah Matin, Conference Co-Chair, 328 Flatbush
Avenue, PMB 141, Brooklyn, NY 11238-4302.
As mentioned, the 2006 AAHGS Conference will be held in Salt Lake
City, Utah, 26-29 October 2006. The Conference co-chairs have
already laid the ground work for fun pre-Conference activities in
Utah and scheduled classes to assist you in your research at the
LDS Family History Library, the world's largest free genealogical
The Conference hotel is the Salt Lake City Marriott Downtown,
which is located one block from the LDS Family History Library and
Temple Square. The Marriott is also one-half block from the rail
system that offers complimentary transportation to over 40
restaurants, shopping malls, theaters, night clubs, etc. Room
rates for the 2006 Conference will be $99 per night,
single/double, triple/quad. Many of the major air carriers fly
into Salt Lake City Airport, including Southwest, American and
Delta Airlines.
Watch for further information on our website:
-------------------- ========================================================== From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List Full Information at or write Jennifer Higginbotham: ==========================================================Received on Tue Jan 10 2006 - 09:33:23 EST