CFP: Composition and Rhetoric (grad) (2/10/06; (dis)junctions, 4/7/06-4/8/06)
CFP: Composition and Rhetoric: The Personal Narrative (grad) (2/1/06;=20
4/7/06-4/8/06). =20
University of California Riverside=E2=80=99s 13th Annual Humanities Confere=
(dis)junctions 2006: lost in translation
April 7-8, 2006
Deadline for Abstracts: February 10, 2006.
( =20
Graduate students of the University of California, Riverside, are seeking=20
papers for their 13th annual humanities conference, (dis)junctions. In=20
particular, we are seeking papers that interrogate the use of personal narr=
atives in=20
the composition classroom. The following approaches may be considered, but=20
are not limited to:=20
* In what ways does the personal narrative foster an authorial voice?=
* What are the implications of assigning =E2=80=9Cmandatory=E2=80=9D=20=
narratives? =20
* Discussions centering on the subject position of student writers in=
this genre =20
* Best teaching practices pertaining to autobiographical discourse in=
the composition class =20
* Effects of peer-review on student narratives =20
* Narratology =20
* Any essay dealing with composition pedagogy and/or concerns =20
* We are, of course, also interested in traditional genre and=20
period-related papers. (dis)junctions is a large conference, spanning a num=
ber of=20
themes - all topics are welcome!
Please email abstracts (200-300 words in the body of your email) to=20
_awmodz_at_aol.com_ ( . Specify whether your proposal is=
for a=20
panel or poster presentation. Please include your departmental affiliation=
a one sentence summary of your research interests. Also, please note any A=
needs you may have - we can obtain VCRs, DVDs, and projectors for laptops.=20
Less standard equipment possible, (although not guaranteed) upon request.
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Tue Jan 10 2006 - 09:33:45 EST