CFP: Hypermedia/Hypertext (4/30/06; MPCA/MACA, 10/27/06-10/29/06)

full name / name of organization: 
PJ Booth
contact email: 

MPCA/MACA - Region Conference
Oct 27-29, 2006
Sheraton Indianapolis Hotel and Suites, Indianapolis, IN

Abstract Submission Deadline: April 30, 2006.

The Hypermedia/Hypertext area of the Midwest Popular Culture Association
papers/panels on hypermedia art and fiction, hypertext theory,
analysis of hypertext/hypermedia works, Internet studies, narrative
studies within the area and any other topics related to
writing/publishing on the Internet. The conference will be held at
the Sheraton Indianapolis Hotel and Suites in Indianapolis, IN over
the weekend of October 27-29, 2006.

Each individual paper/presentation should be designed to last
approximately fifteen minutes. This will hopefully allow enough time
for a productive discussion. More information about the conference
can be found at <>. Please also note thatpresenters will be required to join either the Popular Culture
Association or the American Culture Association prior to attending the
conference, as well as
pay a registration fee for the conference.

Your 250-word (or longer) abstract/proposal must be received by April
30, 2006. Please include the title of your paper, your name (and the
name(s) of any co-presenters), your school affiliation, your mailing
address, your email address and any special technology you might need.
 This information will be used in the program and to mail your
conference materials.

Your abstract should be mailed or e-mailed

Paul Booth
Department of Language, Literature, and Communication
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Troy, NY 12180
(815) 751-1572

Email is preferred means of communication.

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Tue Jan 10 2006 - 09:32:52 EST