CFP: Queer Homophobia (grad) (2/1/06; (dis)junctions, 4/7/06-4/8/06)

full name / name of organization: 
Nowell Marshall

CFP: Queer Homophobia (grad) (2/1/06; disjunctions, 4/7/06-4/8/06)

This call for papers is a proposed panel to be held at Disjunctions, the
University of California,
Riverside's 13th Annual Humanities Conference, April 7-8, 2006. In keeping
with this year's
theme, Lost in Translation, this panel attempts to investigate what happens
to the term queer as it
is translated from subcultures and incorporated into academic discourse.

In "Queer and Now," Eve Sedgwick defines queerness through a process of
negation directly
related to sexual identity. However, recent studies such as Judith
Halberstam's _In a Queer
Time and Place_ have attempted to separate queerness from sexuality,
defining "queer subjects"
as those who "live (deliberately, accidentally, or of necessity) during the
hours when other sleep
and in the spaces (physical, metaphysical, and economic) that others have

Given Halberstam's contention that "ravers, club kids, HIV-positive
barebackers, rent boys, sex
workers, homeless people, drug dealers, and the unemployed" are queer
subjects, this panel
attempts to explore the implications of detaching queerness from sexuality
and problematic
opportunities for 'queer homophobia' that result from this separation.

Suggested problematics include

Bi-, trans, and homo- phobia in the queer studies classroom
Queerness as an academic trend
Notions of the elite vs. working-class queer
Metrosexuality, passing, and 'authenticity' in queer studies
Queer celebrities and the commodification of queerness
Queers of color in queer theory
Media representations of queers
HIV, AIDS, and homophobia within queer communities
Queer musical subcultures, pop/rock/rap stars, and homophobia
Homophobia in drug subcultures
Queerness as universal
The term queer as empty signifier

Email abstracts of approximately 250 words to
on or before
Feb. 1, 2006. All submissions will be acknowledged upon receipt.

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         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Tue Jan 10 2006 - 09:33:52 EST