CFP: The Konigsberg Review: Woody Allen (4/1/06; journal issue)
The Konigsberg Review
The Konigsberg Review, in conjunction with the Woody Studies
Program and the Department of History at the University of
Arkansas, is now accepting interdisciplinary article submissions for
publication in July 2006. The purpose of The Konigsberg Review is
to provide a forum for debate, discussion, and critical theory
related to the films of Woody Allen. It will also examine the film,
writing, and philosophy influential to and derivative of that work.
(Articles examining influences and derivatives, even those not
specifically tailoring their theses to incorporate Allen, are accepted
and, in fact, encouraged.) The Review's first volume will be an
online journal intended to foster this critical discourse, and thus
scholarly work from the fields of history, literary theory, film
theory, sociology, drama, linguistics, philosophy, musicology,
theology, or any other discipline with a relevant voice is
encouraged. PhDs, advanced graduate students, and independent
scholars are welcome to submit.
Chicago Manual of Style formatting is preferred, but MLA will be
accepted. Submissions should be at least 4,000 words in length,
and will be accepted until 1 April 2006.
Email submission as an attachment in Microsoft Word format to:, or mail to:
Woody Studies Program
Department of History
University of Arkansas
Old Main 416
Fayetteville, AR 72701
(If using traditional mail, please enclose a copy of the paper on a 3
1/2 inch floppy disk.)
If you would like further information on The Konigsberg Review or
the Woody Studies Program at the University of Arkansas, please
send an email to:
The Konigsberg Review
ISSN 1557-3613
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Tue Jan 10 2006 - 09:32:54 EST