CFP: Bringing Text Alive: The Future of Scholarship, Pedagogy, and Electronic Publication (5/15/06; 9/14/06-9/17/06)

full name / name of organization: 
Shawn Martin
contact email: 

[Apologies for Cross Posting, but please feel free to distribute widely]..

Call for Papers:
Bringing Text Alive:
The Future of Scholarship, Pedagogy, and Electronic Publication

The Text Creation Partnership (TCP) project was founded at the University of
Michigan in 1999 to reinvent scholarship by creating fully searchable texts
of thousands of titles printed across three hundred years and two continents
of English and American history.

TCP includes texts selected from three commercially produced page image
collections, Early English Books Online (EEBO), available from ProQuest
Information and Learning, Evans Early American Imprints (Evans), available
from Newsbank-Readex and Eighteenth Century Collections Online (ECCO),
available from Thompson-Gale. Additionally, TCP's production has expanded
to include centers at Oxford University, the University of Toronto, and the
National Library of Wales. TCP cooperates directly with over a dozen
international scholarly projects devoted to subjects as wide ranging as
historical linguistics, literary studies, bibliographic studies, and
metadata integration. Scholars and students alike, in these disciplines and
many others have found often make the claim that resources like EEBO, Evans,
ECCO, and the TCP have revolutionized their work and by making primary
sources widely available, will "bring literature alive" (Thomas Pack,
E-Content, Dec. 1999). As the TCP project reaches the halfway mark of its
original goals, it seems a good time to investigate how it brings literature
in all disciplines to life in this exciting conference.

The conference invites papers from scholars, students (graduate and
undergraduate), librarians, publishers, or other interested people in all
disciplines to investigate topics such as (but not limited to):
. Changes in the landscape of scholarship and pedagogy introduced by
electronic resources like EEBO, Evans, ECCO, and the TCP
. Examples of teaching with such resources
. Examples of doing research with such resources
. Use of related resources like ESTC or Early American Newspapers
. The changing nature of scholarly communication
. Electronic publication
. Digital library development.

The conference will be held September 14 - 17, 2006 in Ann Arbor, MI
Deadline for paper submissions is May 15, 2006

For more information contact:
Shawn Martin
TCP Project Librarian
8076-B Hatcher S.
920 N. University Ave.
Ann Arbor, MI 48109

Phone: (734) 975-0102
Fax: (734) 763-5080

Or visit the conference website

For more information about the TCP project:
Visit the TCP website:
Or e-mail:

Shawn Martin
Project Librarian
Text Creation Partnership (TCP)
     - Early English Books Online (EEBO)
     - Evans Early American Imprints (Evans)
     - Eighteenth Century Collections Online (ECCO)

Address: University Library Phone: (734) 936-5611
          University of Michigan FAX: (734) 763-5080
          8076B Hatcher South E-mail:
          920 N. University
          Ann Arbor, MI 48109


              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sat Jan 14 2006 - 09:46:32 EST