CFP: Multiplicities and Transitions (grad) (2/3/06; 3/3/06-3/4/06)

full name / name of organization: 
dolores alcaide ramirez
contact email: 

8th Graduate Symposium on Foreign Languages and Literatures

Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana
March 3-4, 2006


The Graduate Students in Foreign Languages and Literatures and=20
Comparative Literature at Purdue University invite proposals for their=20=

8th Graduate Symposium. The intention of this symposium is to examine=20
and explore issues of transitional identities in both their historical=20=

and linguistic manifestations, in addition to their roles in literary=20
works from different cultures and nations over time. We welcome=20
abstracts from the disciplines of literature and linguistics, and are=20
particularly interested in papers that discuss the plurality of=20
subjectivities in different historical periods, linguistic regions, and=20=

nations. Prizes will be awarded to the most distinguished papers in the=20=

course of the symposium.

Possible topics of discussion include, but are not limited to, the=20

=E2=99=A3 How do contemporary cultural, social, national, and =
developments and events shape our understanding of the self?
=E2=99=A3 To what extent do these developments find expression in =
modes, regional dialects, grammar, syntax, and slang?
=E2=99=A3 In what way are these changes mirrored in literary =
interpretations, theoretical approaches in various countries and=20
=E2=99=A3 Can one determine similar strands of thought and =
patterns of=20
reactions beyond cultural boundaries, for instance, Francophone or=20
Hispanic regions?

We encourage a broad interpretation of the Symposium theme from a=20
variety of fields and backgrounds.


Detailed abstracts for papers should be submitted electronically=20
(300-400 words). Presenters will have approximately 20 minutes to=20
present their paper, followed by panel discussion. Please submit=20
abstracts to Dolores Alcaide Ram=C3=ADrez by 3rd February 2006.

Dolores Alcaide
Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures
Purdue University
640 Oval Drive
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2039=

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Received on Sat Jan 14 2006 - 09:47:08 EST
