CFP: Spaces of Slavery (1/15/06; SCMLA, 10/26/06-10/2806)

full name / name of organization: 
Desiree Henderson
contact email: 

CFP: The Spaces of Slavery
Panel for South Central Modern Language Association Conference, October
26-28, 2006 in Fort Worth, TX

Papers are invited for a panel on the material geographies of slavery
in American literature: the frontiers, changing landscapes, boundaries,
and hiding spaces which map the slavery experience. All periods and
genres of American literature are possible.

Please submit one page abstracts by email to Desiree Henderson
( by January 15, 2006.

Dr. Desiree Henderson
Department of English
University of Texas at Arlington

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
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         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sat Jan 14 2006 - 09:48:06 EST