CFP: Colloquy with Wendy Martin: _American Triptych_ And Now A Dickinson Bio (1/24/06; ALA, 5/25/06-5/28/06)

full name / name of organization: 
Dennis Moore
contact email: 

I welcome self-nominations, by January 24, for
participating in this interdisciplinary
Roundtable I'm PROPOSING for this May's American
Literature Association conference in San Francisco:

  "Colloquy with Wendy Martin: An American
     Triptych and, Now, a Dickinson Biography"

Rather than presenting papers, each participant
in this interdisciplinary panel -- including
Prof. Martin, who wrote An American Triptych and
who is currently working on a biography of Emily
Dickinson -- will make a four- or five-minute
statement that lays out a specific issue or
question related to this highly influential
book. That round of Brief opening statements
will free up time for a lively, substantive
discussion that engages members of the audience
as well as panelists. In setting up and only
occasionally chairing sessions along these lines,
organizer has learned to work hard at avoiding
two extremes: on the one hand, assembling a
tableful of sycophants ready to drool on cue
and/or on the author, and on the other,
assembling a lineup that would include someone
intent on an academic ambush, trashing author
and/or his or her methods, conclusions, and
maybe parents. No fan club, then, and no food
fights. Along these lines, organizer has
assembled colloquies at national conferences of
the American Studies Association (on, for
example, Annette Kolodny's Failing the Future,
Larry Levine's Opening of the American Mind, and
so on) and of ASECS, the national
eighteenth-century studies organization ("Joe
Roach's Cities of the Dead, Ten Years Along,"
Montréal this spring; on Sandra Gustafson's
Eloquence is Power, L.A., '003; on Srinivas
Aravamudan's Tropicopolitans, New Orleans, '001,
and so on) -- as well as each biennial conference
of the Society of Early Americanists (most
recently: "Cathy Davidson's Revolution and the
Word, Twenty Years Along"). Thank you.

     "Imagine Grace ... and a New Year" --text of timely
card mailed out, Jan '002, to members of the Toni Morrison Society
Coordinating Director, University Learning Com-
   University Distinguished Teaching Professor
Associate Professor / Department of English / (850) 644-1177
Florida State University / Tallahassee 32306-1580 U.S.A.

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Received on Mon Jan 16 2006 - 14:39:36 EST
