CFP: Film Genre and Criticism (3/31/06; MMLA, 11/9/06-11/12/06)
Film I Panel of the Midwest Modern Language Association:
Panel Title: Film Genre and Criticism
This panel will consider film's capacity to revisit and revise genre in =
a critical fashion. How do genre forms and conventions inhibit or =
enhance a film's critical potential? What does a film gain by combining =
and redefining genres and subgenres? Abstracts for this panel should =
explore the interconnections between film genre and criticism through =
analyses that perform critical redefinitions themselves.=20
Some possible topics to consider include:
-the connections between genre formations and questions of nationality, =
culture, class, race, and gender
-the relative capacity for cultural transformation through "high =
culture" genres and "low culture" genres
-the criticism implicit within and about certain genres
-the critical function of synthesizing or questioning genres
-the ways in which film adapts and reconstructs genre from literary =
-filmmakers who have defined or revitalized genres: Akira Kurosawa, =
James Whale, Fritz Lang, etc.
-filmmakers who have redefined or challenged genre work: Fran=E7ois =
Truffaut, Jean-Luc Godard, Alfred Hitchcock, Federico Fellini, etc.
-filmmakers who have combined disparate genres within their work: the =
Coen brothers, Pedro Almod=F3var, Quentin Tarantino, etc.
Please send 150-300 word abstracts to Greg Wright at, =
or mail to:=20
Greg Wright=20
English Department, 201 Morrill Hall=20
Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48826.=20
E-mail submissions are preferred.
The deadline for abstracts is March 31, 2006.
The M/MLA conference will be held November 9-12, 2006, in Chicago, IL, =
at the Palmer House Hilton. Please visit the M/MLA website =
( for more information about the 2006 =
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or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Mon Jan 16 2006 - 14:39:42 EST