CFP: Storytelling, Self and Society (3/1/06; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
Kerry-Ann Brown
contact email: 

Storytelling, Self, Society:
An Interdisciplinary Journal of Storytelling Studies

Call for Submissions

Storytelling, Self, Society is a bi-annual,
interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal that
publishes scholarship on a wide variety of topics
related to storytelling as interpersonal, performance,
or public discourse. Papers may represent disciplines
including but not limited to storytelling, folklore,
cultural studies, communication, English, education,
library science, health care, business, peace studies,
psychology, sociology, anthropology, pop culture,
theater and performance studies.

In addition, a variety of items will be considered for
review, including print publications, recordings and
performances. Please indicate in your response if you
are interested in reviewing a recently experienced
storytelling performance. Contact Janice M. Del Negro,
review editor, at to indicate
interest and for additional information.

For more information on the journal, we invite
submitters to visit our web site:

For consideration in the Fall 2006, issue, please
e-mail a completed manuscript by March 1, 2006, to:

Caren S. Neile, MFA, Ph.D.
Managing Editor, Storytelling, Self, Society

Manuscripts (headings and in-text citations),
abstracts, references/works cited, figures, and tables
must conform either to: (a) the Publication Manual of
the American Psychological Association (2001, Fifth
Edition) guidelines, or (b) to the MLA Handbook for
Writers of Research Papers (2003, Sixth Edition,
Modern Language Association of America). Contributors
are encouraged to follow the guidelines of these
manuals for avoiding bias in language. Each submission
should include a single-paragraph abstract of no more
than 120 words on a separate page, preceding the
manuscript. Submittors should indicate whether their
submissions conform for MLA or APA style, and include
in the letter to the Managing Editor the history of
the manuscript (conference paper, Master's Thesis,
Dissertation, part of a larger study, to name a few).

By submitting to SSS, authors warrant that (a) they
will not submit their manuscript to any other
publication while the manuscript is under review with
SSS, (b) the work is original and not previously
published in any form, and (c) appropriate credit has
been given to other contributors, including students,
to the project. Manuscripts should be no more than 20
double-spaced pages (excluding references, tables,
figures, or appendixes; 12-pt. Times New Roman, 1-inch
page margins all around). Manuscripts that do not
conform to the mission of the journal, or do not
comply with the submission guidelines, will not be
reviewed. In submitting, authors agree to assign
copyright of their manuscripts, if accepted, to SSS.

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Mon Jan 16 2006 - 14:39:43 EST
